Pre/Post Operation

Pre-operation and Post-operation guidelines for clients. Please see below.

Patient results and responses may vary from individual to individual. These pre- and post-operative guidelines are intended to serve as general recommendations to help achieve optimal results and minimize the risk of abnormal reactions.

Toning Laser Treatments


  • Stay away from irritants and harsh topical cream at least for 1 week prior to the treatments.
  • Do not spray tan your skin or perform other treatments from different facilities prior to the treatments.
  • Schedule your calendars – laser and UV does not go hand-in-hand. If you have a vacation planned soon in a sunny, tropical destination, you might want to delay your vacation or the laser treatments.
  • If you’re planning to become pregnant or are pregnant, or have a new diagnosis/medication to your health, notify the clinic immediately.
  • If you’re not sure what to do or how to plan out your treatment sessions, please contact the office.


  • Avoid UV-rays (sun, tanning beds) all together and you must apply SPF minimum of 50 every 4 hours, and take special attention to cover the treated area from the sun with long sleeves, masks, and sunglasses when you have to go outdoors.
  • Avoid heat, including intense exercising, sauna, etc.
  • When taking a bath or shower, avoid hot water. Rather, use cool water and gentle soap. Do not peel your skin by rubbing, scrubbing, or with a topical solution.
  • Moisturize your skin with lightweight toner and serum. Due to the laser, your skin may feel drier than usual.
  • Avoid harsh solutions including but not limited to Vitamin A products (retinols, tretinoins), medicated skincare products, oil based makeup and skincare products.
  • Avoid touching, rubbing, or picking the treated area.
  • Treated areas may appear darker for a week or two, depending on your skin healing process and condition.
  • Areas treated may appear reddish-brown and may eventually peel off, or scab off.
  • Just like how skin needs time to heal, your collagen production will eventually be kicking in and work its way to form healthier, vibrant skin.

Laser Hair Removal


  • Stay away from irritants and harsh topical cream at least for 1 week prior to the treatments.
  • Do not spray tan your skin or perform other treatments from different facilities prior to the treatments.
  • Schedule your calendars – laser and UV-ray does not go hand-in-hand. If you have a vacation planned soon in a sunny, tropical destination, you might want to delay your vacation or the laser treatments.
  • If you’re planning to become pregnant or are pregnant, or have a new diagnosis/medication to your health, notify the clinic immediately.
  • If you’re not sure what to do or how to plan out your treatment sessions, please contact the office.
  • Shave 24-48 hours before your appointment. If you shave on the same day of the appointment, your skin may get irritated from the blade and laser together.


  • Avoid UV-rays (sun, tanning beds) all together and you must apply SPF minimum of 50 every 4 hours, and take special attention to cover the treated area from the sun with long sleeves, masks, and sunglasses when you have to go outdoors.
  • Avoid heat, including intense exercising, sauna, etc.
  • When taking a bath or shower, avoid hot water. Rather, use cool water and gentle soap. Do not peel your skin by rubbing, scrubbing, or with a topical solution.
  • Avoid tight clothings. Do not wear constricting garments around the treated area.
  • Apply aloe vera if the area feels sensitive.
  • Avoid harsh solutions including but not limited to Vitamin A products (retinols, tretinoins), medicated skincare products, oil based makeup and skincare products.
  • Avoid swimming in the pool – the chemicals in the pool may irritate the treated area.
  • Avoid touching, rubbing, or picking the treated area.
  • DO NOT pluck out, tweeze, apply chemical hair removal solution, wax, or do electrolysis in the area.

If you’re getting one of these symptoms:

Razor bumps, itching, redness..

  • Do not scratch the area. You may take oral over-the-counter antihistamine medication such as Allegra, Claritin, etc to ease the itching.
  • Mix small amounts of hydrocortisone 1% from over-the-counter with aloe vera and apply thoroughly on the area.
  • Apply ice and avoid pressure on the area.
  • If you have further concerns or questions, feel free to contact the office.

RF Microneedling (SecretRF, Morpheus8, Pixel8-RF, Microneedling)


  • Stay away from irritants and harsh topical cream at least for 1 week prior to the treatments.
  • Do not spray tan your skin or perform other treatments from different facilities prior to the treatments.
  • Schedule your calendars – this treatment and UV does not go hand-in-hand. If you have a vacation planned soon in a sunny, tropical destination, you might want to delay your vacation or the laser treatments.
  • If you’re planning to become pregnant or are pregnant, or have a new diagnosis/medication to your health, notify the clinic immediately.
  • If you’re not sure what to do or how to plan out your treatment sessions, please contact the office.


  • Avoid UV-rays (sun, tanning beds) all together and you must apply SPF minimum of 50, and take special attention to cover the treated area from the sun with long sleeves, masks, and sunglasses when you have to go outdoors.
  • Avoid heat, including intense exercising, sauna, etc.
  • When taking a bath or shower, avoid hot water. Rather, use cool water and gentle soap. Do not peel your skin by rubbing, scrubbing, or with a topical solution.
  • Avoid tight clothings. Do not wear constricting garments around the treated area.
  • Avoid harsh solutions including but not limited to Vitamin A products (retinols, tretinoins), medicated skincare products, oil based makeup and skincare products.
  • Avoid swimming in the pool – the chemicals in the pool may irritate the treated area.
  • Avoid touching, rubbing, or picking the treated area.

Most Important 3-Day Rules! The very first 3 days post-op care is very crucial to minimize reaction to the skin.

  • Do not use oil based skincare for 3 days.
  • Do not use make up for 3 days.
  • Do not sweat for 3 days.

Time-line expectation:

  • With each treatment, your skin will be healthier with rich collagen production, leading to tighter, smoother and more rejuvenated skin!
  • Each session gap should be 4 weeks in between. The results will show around 3rd or 4th week post-op, getting better as the sessions are done.
  • Your micro-scabs will slowly fade away in about 2-3 weeks, depending on your skin’s healing speed and process.



  • Stay away from irritants and harsh topical cream at least for 1 week prior to the treatments.
  • Do not perform other treatments from different facilities prior to the treatments.
  • Ultherapy’s ultrasound wave goes deep enough to reach your SMAS (muscle layer). This means you may appear swollen for a few weeks. If you have any important events soon after your Ultherapy appointment, you might want to reschedule your appointment or delay the event.
  • If you’re planning to become pregnant or are pregnant, or have a new diagnosis/medication to your health, notify the clinic immediately.
  • If you have any questions or like to bring attention to your previous/current health condition, please contact and notify the office prior to your appointment.
  • Topical anaesthesia cream will be applied prior to the treatment. If you have any allergy with anaesthesia, notify the office. (Think about your most recent dental clinic visit that required you to numb your gum. Did you have any reaction to that?)


  • You must apply SPF minimum of 50 every 4 hours, and take special attention to cover the treated area. Skin sensitive from treatments is especially more vulnerable to sunlights.
  • Avoid icing the area.
  • Avoid harsh solutions including but not limited to Vitamin A products (retinols, tretinoins), medicated skincare products, oil based makeup and skincare products for at least 1 week.
  • Just like how skin needs time to heal, your collagen production will eventually be kicking in and work its way to form healthier, vibrant skin.

Ultherapy, SofWave and ThermageFLX induces your collagen to naturally form within your skin layer. Starting after 3 months post-op is when you will begin to see the results from the treatments, peaking through 6-9 months post-op. These are marathon treatments and normally, will not give you immediate noticeable effect right after the treatment. Check out our before and after photos in our office and on our website!

Once the results kick in, you will notice the skin is tighter, shaped, brighter and contracted compared to before. These treatments will also slow down your aging process.

Mole/Skin Tag Removal

Pre-operation guideline:

  • If you’re planning to become pregnant or are pregnant, or have a new diagnosis/medication to your health, notify the clinic immediately.
  • If you have any questions or like to bring attention to your previous/current health condition, please contact and notify the office prior to your appointment.
  • Topical anaesthesia cream will be applied prior to the treatment. If you have any allergy with anaesthesia, notify the office. (Think about your most recent dental clinic visit that required you to numb your gum. Did you have any reaction to that?)
  • If you’re treating skin tags, before getting the treatment, look around your armpit, back of neck, groin, bikini area to see if there’s any bigger ones located.

Post-operative guidelines:

  • Avoid UV-rays (sun, tanning beds) all together and you must apply SPF minimum of 50, and take special attention to cover the treated area from the sun with long sleeves, masks, and sunglasses when you have to go outdoors.
  • Avoid heat, including intense exercising, sauna, etc.
  • Do not peel your skin by rubbing, scrubbing, or with a topical solution.
  • Avoid tight clothings. Do not wear constricting garments around the treated area.
  • Avoid harsh solutions including but not limited to Vitamin A products (retinols, tretinoins), medicated skincare products, oil based makeup and skincare products.
  • Avoid swimming in the pool – the chemicals in the pool may irritate the treated area.
  • Avoid touching, rubbing, or picking the treated area.

Most Important 3-Day Rules! The very first 3 days post-op care is very crucial to minimize reaction to the skin.

  • Do not use make up for 3 days.
  • Do not wash the area for 3 days.
  • Apply bacitracin appointment for 24 hours.

BOTOX/XEOMIN (Neuro-modulator Injection)


  • Avoid drinking alcohol and taking blood-thinners in order to prevent bruising as much as possible.

Post op:

  • Remain in the UPRIGHT position for 4 hours to prevent the injected botox from migrating.
  • Avoid massaging and facials for 2 weeks.
  • Do not sweat or exercise for 24 hours.
  • If you’re receiving botox to decrease the size of the muscle, you must give your muscle enough time to get smaller. Botox works in a way to temporarily paralyze the muscle movement – which eventually leads to the muscle size decreasing over time.
  • Bruising can occur – and they usually fade away within 7 days.
  • Headaches can occur – and it usually resolves in 3-5 days. You can take over-the-counter acetaminophen, but avoid aspirin.
  • If you have any questions, call the office.

Mesotherapy/Skin-booster Injection/Fat Dissolving Injection


  • Avoid drinking alcohol and taking blood-thinners in order to prevent bruising as much as possible.
  • If you’re allergic to certain food (seafood, nuts, etc), notify your consultant and provider. A few of our skin-boosters contain Salmon DNA (PDRN) and people who are sensitive to seafood may not tolerate certain treatments.


  • Avoid intense exercising, sauna, steam room, hot yoga.
  • When taking a bath or shower, use room temperature water.
  • Let your skin breathe.
  • Avoid harsh solutions including but not limited to Vitamin A products (retinols, tretinoins), medicated skincare products, oil based makeup and skincare products.
  • Avoid swimming in the pool – the chemicals in the pool may irritate the treated area.
  • Avoid touching, rubbing, or picking the treated area.
  • Do not ice the area.

Most Important 3-Day Rules! The very first 3 days post-op care is very crucial to minimize reaction to the skin.

  • Do not use oil based skincare for 3 days.
  • Do not use make up for 3 days.
  • Do not sweat for 3 days.

Dermal Fillers


  • Avoid drinking alcohol and taking blood-thinners in order to prevent bruising as much as possible.


  • Avoid intense exercising, sauna, steam room, hot yoga.
  • When taking a bath or shower, use room temperature water.
  • Avoid touching, rubbing, or picking the treated area.
  • Do not ice the area.
  • Avoid massaging and facials for 2 weeks.

What to expect:

  • In about 2 weeks (14 days) your filler will settle.
  • Bruising can occur, and is normal! You can gently apply arnica gel around the bruised area.

FOTONA 4D Laser Rejuvenation


  • Stay away from irritants and harsh topical cream at least for 1 week prior to the treatments.
  • Do not spray tan your skin or perform other treatments from different facilities prior to the treatments.
  • Schedule your calendars – laser and UV does not go hand-in-hand. If you have a vacation planned soon in a sunny, tropical destination, you might want to delay your vacation or the laser treatments.
  • If you’re planning to become pregnant or are pregnant, or have a new diagnosis/medication to your health, notify the clinic immediately.
  • If you’re not sure what to do or how to plan out your treatment sessions, please contact the office.


  • Avoid UV-rays (sun, tanning beds) all together and you must apply SPF minimum of 50, and take special attention to cover the treated area from the sun with long sleeves, masks, and sunglasses when you have to go outdoors.
  • Avoid heat, including intense exercising, sauna, etc.
  • When taking a bath or shower, avoid hot water. Rather, use cool water and gentle soap. Do not peel your skin by rubbing, scrubbing, or with a topical solution.
  • Avoid tight clothings. Do not wear constricting garments around the treated area.
  • Avoid harsh solutions including but not limited to Vitamin A products (retinols, tretinoins), medicated skincare products, oil based makeup and skincare products.
  • Avoid swimming in the pool – the chemicals in the pool may irritate the treated area.
  • Avoid touching, rubbing, or picking the treated area.

Most Important 3-Day Rules! The very first 3 days post-op care is very crucial to minimize reaction to the skin.

  • Do not use oil based skincare for 3 days.
  • Do not use make up for 3 days.
  • Do not sweat for 3 days.